Category Archives: Books

Sample PDF of Adventure Photography Book

If you want to get a taste of my latest book Digital Masters: Adventure Photography, my publisher has put together a sample PDF with several double-truck spreads from the book including those you see in this blog post. The spreads included are the introduction, a spread from Chapter 1 on photography gear, one from Chapter 4 on...

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Breaking News – Digital Masters: Adventure Photography Now on Sale

I just got word that my book Digital Masters: Adventure Photography is now available and is shipping from This is a major surprise to me as the publisher told me there was no way they could get it out before January 1st. I guess they worked something out – haven’t heard back from them...

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Red Bull Illume features Michael’s new book

Red Bull posted a feature article on the Red Bull Illume website which promotes a few adventure photography books including my book, Digital Masters: Adventure Photography, which is due out January 1st, 2010. In addition to promoting the book the website also features one of my images of Danny MacAskill shot for Red Bull in...

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Digital Masters: Adventure Photography

Perhaps you have been wondering what happened to my Winter 2009 Newsletter or the lack of blog posts the last few months. Well, I can finally announce to the world that I have been working on a book on adventure sports photography these last five months. The title of the book is Digital Masters: Adventure...

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Lightroom eBook featured on Adobe’s Website

Adobe has been kind enough to feature my Lightroom workflow eBook Adobe Photoshop Lightroom: A Professional Photographers Workflow on the Adobe website. It is a great honor to be included with other excellent Lightroom books by such well known authors as Scott Kelby, Seth Resnick and Martin Evening. This is a huge stamp of approval...

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Ken Milburn writes a glowing review of Michael’s Lightroom 2 eBook

I just got back from a five day trip in Colorado and saw that Ken Milburn wrote a glowing review of Lightroom 2.0 eBook Adobe Photoshop Lightroom: A Professional Photographer’s Workflow. Here is an excerpt from his blog post on Inside Lightroom: I did, however, get a chance to read the Table of Contents, Introduction,...

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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom eBook Now Available

After spending more time than I want to think about updating the Lightroom eBook, I have finally finished the updated version of my eBook Adobe Photoshop Lightroom: A Professional Photographer’s Workflow. To purchase the updated version of this eBook click here. The Adobe Photoshop Lightroom workflow, a 124 page PDF e-book, is a workshop in...

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