A few weeks ago I had the honor of speaking with the the Visual Revolutionary Podcast, hosted and created by Ric Stovall and Kevin Banker. Ric and Kevin are laid back, easy going guys, with a penchant for exploring how top-end photographers have gotten to where they are today. If you have not heard about this podcast I...
This was a fantastic sit down. I felt like i was in the room with you guys. Michael you provided great insight into the work that has to be down.Talent is only part of the equation. I seriously appreciate your work and talent. Stay safe and keep shooting.
Thanks Terrell!
Thank you for taking the time and doing the interview. I learned about the podcast through your blog, and I will share it with my network. Specifically, thank you for telling us of your journey and being willing to share your most prized lessons. It was an inspiring interview that has helped bring some clarity to my goals as a photographer. Chase Jarvis talks about scaling your mentoring, and while I can’t afford to go on your workshops this year, I am learning a lot from you. To give back to you in a small way I have purchased Exposed, worked/ing through anything from Albert Watson, sharing your interview on Vision Revolutionary and putting into practice what I’m learning. I am a life long learner, I want critical feedback and I aim at being in the one percent who applies what you teach.
Cheers – Randy