I realize that there are hundreds of reviews of the Nikon D810 out there already. I am certainly late to the game here, but I was on the fence for a long time as to whether or not it was worth it to upgrade to the Nikon D810 from my venerable D800. If you didn’t...
Better late than never Michael :-). Love my 810’s. Best of the breed so far.
Thanks for the well written review. Mine have been working under less than ideal conditions this month in both Peru and France. Neither body has missed a beat !
Thanks Michael. That’s a great review and very helpful. I’m definitely going to upgrade to the D810 now. You’re advice is well taken. Can’t wait to get it going. Dan
Thanks for that Michael. I only bought my D800 a few months ago, having stuck with my trusty D700 for a long time. I was blown away by the image quality but at the same time disappointed by the number of ‘missed’ shots I had. I mostly shoot weddings, portraits and landscapes and it seemed great for the latter but again I found it much more hit n miss. So I’ve literally this week sold my D800 and am in the process of hunting for the best offer on a D810. Your review has helped confirm I’ve made the right decision.
Very interesting review! Thanks!