Over the last few months I have been working on a slight revamp to my website. It has been three years since I have really gone in and changed up the website and I had a lot of new images that haven’t been added to the mix so I decided to overhaul all of the...
Love the website…looks really great !
Did you do the design work yourself?
I looking at designing my own site and moving away from zenfolio.
I see you used the ProPhoto framework, are you happy with who it worked for you?
Also i love your menu – best looking wordpress menu I’ve seen! Is the menu part of the ProPhoto suite/tools or is it a special plugin…
Okay sorry for so many questions, main point being – Your site looks great.
I’ve been a follower of your work for years. Killer photos and appreciate you abiity to communicate your passion and experience to those whom you inspire.
Eagle – I worked with a graphic designer and then tweaked the website a bit to my taste. I used an AphotoFolio.com template for the main website and a ProPhoto template for the WordPress blog. Both have worked very well for me. The menu on the main website is not work press but the aphotofolio template. The menu on the blog is wordpress. Thanks for the note!