Last fall, when Apple announced the new Retina 5K iMacs they used one of my surfing images to promote the new machine. Just recently I started seeing the ice climbing image shown above being featured on the 5K iMacs. As always, it is an honor to work with Apple. They are one of the most prestigious...
Enjoyed your workshop on Sunday. Did you see the new Leica SL that dropped today? It’s a Nikon killer!
Thanks Fred. Saw the new Leica this morning but at three times the price of a Nikon D750 I fail to see how that 24 MP camera will be a Nikon Killer….
The D750 only does 6.5 frames per second. The SL does 11 fps and shoots 1080p up to 120fps (or 4k but not that fast). Of course, with only one lens available for the SL at launch, it may be a while before anyone switches systems.