As part of a recent assignment for New Mexico Tourism I worked with the New Mexico Museum of Space History to create a series of images of Mike Shinabery (an employee of the Space Museum) in an Astronaut suit in and around Alamogordo, New Mexico. The Space History Museum had a $60,000 USD replica space...
Great images Michael. Just curious, had the client given any thought to retouching out the reflection of yourself in the visor.
That was discussed. They didn’t choose these particular images so I might do that in the future.
Omg!!!!!! Sososososos amazing and maGical!!!! Great stuff. Really love it. Had an otherwordly EXPERIENCE myself at white Sands. Next time, roswell???!
The fact that Mike S. grew up just a few miles from the town that Neil Armstrong came from makes this story come full circle. Congratulations Mike!
Love the white sand astronaut series.