I realize this blog post isn’t going to be that exciting–or that popular. Not many photographers these days actually print their images anymore. It is often said that there will be a giant hole in the photographic record from the last ten or fifteen years because images rarely make it off the hard drives and onto...
Hi Michael,
Why do you print with a large border as opposed to fully borderless prints?
Is it for handling purposes?
Anthony – Indeed, I print with a one inch border just for handling. I could print closer to the edge but it would only add another inch or so. The 17×22 inch paper is ideal for 6×4.5 medium format aspect ratios, not so great for the 2×3 aspect ratio that most DSLRs use. I also use cotton gloves to handle each piece of paper the whole way through so no oils from my skin contaminate the paper. That just helps it last longer.
Hi michael,
I have been using ilFord gallerie gold fiBre silk since you recommended it in this article.
I have Had DIFFICULTY sourcing it lately and when i contacted ilforD they say its no longer available and i SHOULD TRY and find old stock. Thats not easy in ireland as they dont have a dealer network.
What paper do you RECOMMEND as the nearest alternative to gfs?
Im not a fan of glossy paperS.
Indeed, Anthony, Ilford Gold Fibre Silk is not being made at the moment. Ilford has not discontinued it as far as I know. There is a supply chain issue for that paper and Ilford is working on a replacement that will effectively be the same paper. The new Ilford gold Fibre Pearl is a very nice paper and somewhat similar. If you want the exact same surface finish as the Gold Fibre Silk then i would suggest trying Hahnemühle Photo Rag Baryta Paper, which is a heavier paper but almost identical to GFS.
Hi michael,
Thanks for the fast Reply. I wilL have a look at Your recommendations. HaVe a nice christmas.