
Each year I teach several workshops and give a few seminars on a variety of topics including adventure photography, digital workflow and artificial lighting. Below is a list of the upcoming workshops I will be teaching and seminars I will be giving. As you scroll down you can read descriptions about each of these workshops and find out how to register for each one. I am also offering an array of online workshops as well as in-person workshops.

Also, If you are interested in a private one-on-one workshop please contact me and we can discuss options and pricing. I also do one-on-one online consulting and tutoring on a wide variety of photography topics. At some point when it is safe to gather and travel, I hope to see you out there in the field this year.

Landscape and Adventure Photography – Nobechi Creative – Online via Zoom – August 3 – 14, 2024

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Workshop Testimonials:

“Michael is the best instructor I have taken a workshop from.” – Participant, Cutting-Edge Lighting Workshop

“Michael certainly knows his stuff. From Capture to Print: The Complete Digital Photographer’s Workflow is delivered in an easy to follow and comprehensive manner that covers many things that you may not expect – such as how to choose proper lighting to view and evaluate your prints or what color shirt to wear when you’re correcting images. I really appreciated that this is a pro workflow course delivered by a pro photographer. Michael is also a superb teacher, a superb communicator, who is welcoming and inviting of questions from all his participants. I took this workshop in June of 2020, using Zoom software. I was really amazed by how Michael made it seem like he’s been doing these workshops forever this way! Thank you Michael! It was a great pleasure being part of this workshop with so many others amazing photographers and a great pleasure to meet you. I learned much which is valuable to me and enjoyed doing so at the same time.  And just to reiterate, as to the workshop: I’m impressed.” – Stephen Starkman, Toronto

“Within the short time I’ve been studying and practicing photography, I have had teachers who are good educators, but not great photographers, and vice versa, but few who are both. Count yourself in these narrow ranks…I went through 4 years of college and several careers getting less candid advice and encouragement than I got in 4 days with you. For what it is worth, thank you for that.” – Brandon McMahon, Adventure Photography Workshop, Spring 2015

“Michael set an incredibly high bar for his workshop. He gave 110%, covered a broad range of topics and did an outstanding job.” – Chris Council, Adventure Photography Workshop, Summer 2010

“Thanks for running such a great workshop. I couldn’t have chosen better photo shoot locations, and the post-shoot critiques were invaluable. It’s the first time I’ve had my work reviewed, and I learned a ton from each session. While I didn’t go into the workshop expecting to pick-up too many marketing and business tips, I’ve come out of last week inspired to set-up my photo website in earnest.” – Jeff Hylok, Adventure Photography Workshop, Summer 2010

“The recent Adobe Lightroom Intensive Workshop in Seattle was excellent. The two-day format was perfect–just enough time to cover all the important features but not so much time as to be draining or get in the way of work. Michael Clark was an outstanding instructor. Not only was he clear, concise, and comprehensive, but his manner was friendly and equable. The fact that he is also a working professional photographer made the instruction all the more relevant. I have used previous versions of Lightroom, but it had been a while and I had recently upgraded. I was able to review some things I knew, learn about new features, and change my perspective on some workflow steps. An absolutely great workshop that I recommend wholeheartedly.” – Karen Huntt, Lightroom Workshop, Spring 2011

“Thanks again for such a terrific workshop. I have taken one other two day Lightroom workshop, but your’s is the best!” – Vance Thompson, Lightroom Workshop, Spring 2011

“Just wanted you know how much fun I had during the workshop last weekend! I learned a lot a look forward to doing other workshops with you.” – Jason Quevedo, Philadelphia Mentor Series Trek, Fall 2009

“Your workshop at Santa Fe was too good and I came away with a lot of knowledge and renewed energy. The level of expertise that you and Michael shared was top-notch and I hope to repeat this experience again. Thanks for such a great workshop!” – Participant in the 2008 Balloon Fiesta workshop taught by Andy Biggs and myself.

“My mind is still spinning and I can’t help but smile every time I think of the wonderful experience garnered from our workshop. Between what I learned from the two of you, as well as from my talented classmates – this was a great experience, and I would do it again.” – Participant in the 2008 Balloon Fiesta workshop taught by Andy Biggs and myself.

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Landscape and Adventure Photography

August 3 – 14, 2024

Online via Zoom –  Weekends 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM CDT – Wednesdays 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM CDT

Register for the Landscape and Adventure Photography Online Workshop

Mastering adventure photography involves much more than just f/8 and being there. It requires a host of skills, including technical excellence with the camera, familiarity with the environment, and mindfulness of your goals and safety at all times. Top adventure photographer Michael Clark will guide you through creating amazing, adventurous images. Whether photographing at the local skate park, documenting a backpacking trip, or climbing a Himalayan giant, you’ll come away with a broad understanding of what makes up the perfect adventure image and how to use these tools to further your next adventure. In this online course we will cover a wide range of topics to ensure that you come away with the knowledge you need to create compelling images of any adventure.

Over the two-week course, there will be time to go out and create images wherever you may be. We will make time to critique images created by participants during the course. This course will both challenge and inspire photographers of all levels. Below are a few of the topics we will cover:

Topics Covered

Working with the Light

In the outdoors, the action might be happening at any time of day. Being able to work with any type of light no matter what time of day is key to getting an exceptional image. We will go through how I approach various lighting conditions in detail.

Finding Perspective and Composing the Image

An interesting composition and perspective can make or break an image. Michael will walk you through a wide variety of compositions and perspectives, created with both wide-angle and telephoto lenses, to help you brush up your skills on this critical topic.

Communicating with your Subject

Working with those taking risks, whether at the local skate park or whitewater kayaking over a giant waterfall, requires clear communication and thought towards both the subjects and the photographer’s safety. We will discuss a range of scenarios and detail how Michael approached each situation.

Exposure and Histograms

How you expose the image in the outdoors determines a lot of the look and feel of the final image. How the image is exposed also determines what you can do with it in the post-processing as well. We will dive deep into histograms and show a wide variety of examples so you will know what to do in each situation.

Post-Processing and Color Management

With digital photography at least 50% of the final image comes together in the post-processing. Color management is a key component to make sure what you see on your monitor is what the actual image looks like. We will dive into both topics so that you have a full understanding of the basics.

Using Artificial Lighting in the Outdoors

Adding artificial lighting to an image can take it to a whole new level. Learn how to use both small and large flashes to augment the lighting in your images. Learn the basics of lighting with flash that will open up a whole new world in your photography.

Capturing the Height of the Action

Set yourself and your camera up to capture the decisive moment in any situation. Understanding what is happening in front of you is just as important as how you set up your camera and how familiar you are with what it can and cannot do. Hear how Michael sets up his cameras and how he makes sure not to miss the height of the action.

Preparing for the Adventure & Protecting Your Gear

If you can’t get yourself and your camera gear to the location then photography is a moot point. Find out how to travel with your gear safely and protect it from the elements and learn how preparing for your adventure can result in much better images.

What’s in The Bag

See what a professional adventure photographer takes with them that allows them to be ready for any situation.

Getting Tack-sharp Action Images

When it comes to action photography, focusing the camera is a huge deal – whether using autofocus, manual focus or any other method. It can be difficult for even the best photographers to nail the focus on every frame. We will work through various AF methods as well as when and where to use them to help you get tack-sharp action images.

What Makes a Great Adventure Photo?

Discover the critical elements that make up a stellar adventure photograph: timing, the moment, the light, the composition, and most importantly interesting content. Learn from a master as to what elements help to tell the story you want to convey and how to make that happen.

Planning for Success

Planning for success is key to ensure you come back with amazing images. Also known as pre-production, how you prepare for the photo shoot is just as important as what you do while creating images. We will walk step-by-step through my process of thinking through the adventure and what I do to prepare for an assignment.


This class will meet on Saturdays, and Sundays from 11:00 AM to 2:00 PM CDT, and on Wednesdays from 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM CDT, starting on August 3rd and ending on August 14th.


Sessions will be recorded so you can review them in your own time and adapt your schedule to this workshop. However, there will be a couple of live feedback sessions with Michael so we encourage you to attend as many classes as possible to get the most out of this program!


For all photographers. Students should know the basics of photography, how to use their cameras, the basics of handling their images and should be comfortable using Zoom.


  • Camera (iPhone, Android, SLR, Mirrorless, or Film Camera, provided you can send scanned digital files for homework submissions)

  • Computer/Tablet

  • Zoom Account (free account level is sufficient)

  • Internet Connection


$1250 (+10% tax for Japan residents)

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Stay tuned for other workshops coming later this year…