As a professional photographer 28-years into a career, I have spent a good chunk of my life either learning or teaching. I have taught photography workshops of one kind or another for the last 20 years—mostly to give back to the community but also to diversify my income. During the pandemic, for most creatives everything...
Pretty cool – LIfelong photo guy but the last 12-13 years much more. Like you I decided to get the guitar thing going and play a Carvin that I bought from a guy last year. My Strat stays in the case next to the fender acoustic. Music on a guitar is so complex and wonderful. I am deep in the valley. Relentless pursuit to master the guitar. Photo gear–yup lots but not as much as you. THe more equipment one has the fewer photos get taken :). Nikon D850s. I have a day job in finance but the photo stuff is always there. Love street photography. Also, I have recently done 6 corporate assignments, which were challenging and fun. Made some real money on those and got a couple helocpter rides to shoot. The issue is getting someone to pay to go to places that are cool – F8 Be there. Traveling to Cuba and Iceland again this year on my nickel. All that said, I would appreciate thoughts about external HDs. I have a couple 6TB Western Digital hard drives. When I blew through the 2 TB drives i am having trouble locating some of the images from ten years ago. I had a technical company help me get back up and running. My friend and shooting buddy Layne Kennedy suggested that I reach out to you as you are quite tecy. Thoughts would be appreciated. Thank you.