Ilford recently ran a series of ads and e-promos with an image of me holding a large print (as shown above). A few years ago I signed on with Ilford as one of the Ilford Masters. It is an honor to be among such an elite group of photographers working with Ilford including Sebastião Salgado, Eric Meola, Gregory Heisler, and Seth Resnick among others. The caption at the top of the ad shown above reads:
“When you print an image you see things you don’t see in the image on a monitor. A print feels more valuable because of the effort associated with making the print and because you are seeing the final image the way images were “traditionally” meant to be seen. The paper lends the print a lot of value as well, especially if it is a thick fine art paper that helps make the image look better. Not only do you get a tactile feel for the image but you can interact with the image in a way that is not possible on a monitor. Also, the size of the image lends a huge amount to the impact it makes on the viewer. When printed large, some images come alive like they never can on any monitor. As a photographer, the emotional response is one of pride in the image. For my customers, they hopefully have a sense of awe about the image and the effort that went into it.”
Ilford also recently posted an interview with yours truly on the Ilford Blog. Check it out below.
My favorite papers from Ilford are Gold Fibre Silk, which is my mainstay go to paper for large fine art prints, Gold Mono Silk for black and white prints, and Textured Cotton Rag for those times when I want a beefier, textured fine art paper. I also use a few of their other papers like their excellent Semigloss Duo and Gold Raster Silk in my portfolios and for test prints here in the office. If you haven’t ever printed your images before, I highly recommend the papers listed above. Gold Fibre Silk in particular makes your images come to life and reproduces extremely accurately the colors I see on my monitor.
My thanks to Peter Ogilvie who helped me out by shooting this portrait in his studio. Also, my thanks to Ilford for all their support over the last few years and for the amazing paper. If you would like to order a fine art print all of the details are on my website here. Any and all of my images are available as fine art prints.
That’s awesome. Congrats.