Yesterday I got a surprise in the mail from the publisher of my book Adventure Photography: Capturing the World of Outdoor Sports. They have had my book translated into Spanish which is very exciting since I know a lot of friends in South and Central America and in Spain that have been wanting to get a copy of the book in their language. The book contains all of the same info and images as the English version. So, if you have been waiting for the book in Spanish it is now available. Purchase the book on to get your copy in Spanish. My thanks to Lark Books for their continued support of this work. It was a long hard eight months of work and as one review on Amazon said, “it contains a TON of information.”
Got it!
I bought it in Barcelona two weeks ago.
Adviced to everyone interested in action/outdoor photography.
See you!
Michael, glad to hear the book’s been translated–that’s great news! Hope you’re doing well and staying busy. Also very cool to see your images used in Apple promos.