Category Archives: Red Bull

2022: Year in Review

2022 has been the busiest year yet since the pandemic began in 2020. With that said there were still some blank spaces on the assignment calendar but this past fall was very close to normal in terms of travel and assignments. Regardless of some holes on the calendar this past year, I was still able...

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Spring 2022 Newsletter

The Spring 2022 issue of the Michael Clark Photography Newsletter is now available for download. If you’d like to sign up for the Newsletter just drop me an email and I’ll add you to the mailing list. This issue of the Newsletter includes an editorial entitled Three Years In, a review of the Aquatech EDGE...

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2021: Year in Review

2021 has been a bit of a mixed bag. Parts of the year were nearly as busy as before the Covid pandemic began and other parts felt more like 2020 with long stints here in the office. Regardless, I was still able to create some wild images. A huge thank you to my clients who...

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Backflips in a Helicopter

This blog post is an excerpt from a longer feature article that appeared in the Summer 2021 issue of the Newsletter. You read the full article click here to download the PDF magazine. Having worked with the Red Bull Air Force on more than a dozen assignments over the last decade, it is always nice...

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Summer 2021 Newsletter

The Summer 2021 issue of the Michael Clark Photography Newsletter is now available for download. If you’d like to sign up for the Newsletter just drop me an email and I’ll add you to the mailing list. This issue of the Newsletter includes an editorial entitled Upside Down, a review of the FUJIFILM GF80mm f/1.7 lens, an...

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Setting up the FUJIFILM GFX 100 for Action Photogrpahy

I have heard many camera testers say the FUJIFILM GFX 100 can’t track action very well. In my experience, it certainly isn’t a Nikon D6 or Canon 1DX III, but if set up right, the GFX 100 can deal with action much better than most might imagine. The GFX 100 is a complex camera which...

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Summer 2019 Newsletter

The Summer 2019 issue of the Michael Clark Photography Newsletter is now available for download. If you’d like to sign up for the Newsletter just drop me an email and I’ll add you to the mailing list. This issue includes an editorial entitled On the Run, a full review of the ground breaking FUJIFILM GFX 100, an...

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