Elinchrom Skyport Plus HS Blog Posts on Elinchrom.com

Maxime Genoud in-line skating in an indoor skate park in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Over the last few months I have been working closely with Elinchrom on marketing materials for the release of the new Skyport Plus HS transceiver and the ELB400 HS flash heads. Elinchrom flew me over to their headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland where I was introduced to the new products, given a quick tutorial and was allowed to test them out. The next day I put on a demo for around 80 Elinchrom distributors from around the world, which resulted in the image you see above of Maxime Genoud in-line skating in an indoor skate park.

The Skyport Plus HS has made a big splash but I suspect that for many photographers they won’t fully understand the level of freedom and creativity this new product allows for when shooting with strobes until they try it themselves. Over the last few months I have been shooting with the ELB400 kit, the HS flash heads and the new Skyport on just about every shoot I have had. This new product has completely changed the way I think when using flash because it allows for complete freedom.

The Elinchrom Skyport Plus HS on top of a Nikon D810.

As part of the marketing materials for the launch of this product, I wrote two in-depth blog posts for the Elinchrom Blog. The first, entitled Hi-Sync Experience, went live on the Elinchrom blog with the announcement of the new Skyport and HS flash heads. The second article, entitled HS or HSS: What’s the Difference, went live a few days ago and explains how the Hi-Sync technology built into the new Skyport Plus HS works and how it compares to High Speed Sync (HSS) and HyperSync.


Above is an image I shot of downhill mountain biker Aurelie Slegers while in Telluride, Colorado at the Telluride Photo Festival. These images were shot with the ELB400 Pro flash heads showing that even with the existing flash heads amazing results are possible using the Skyport Plus HS.

In my experience, Elinchrom exceeds in all of the technical aspects of strobe technology. It isn’t always easy to communicate the advantages of their technical approach to lighting, even though they are doing a great job with their communication. The new Skyport Plus HS will be a revolution in a few key genres of photography, mainly the action adventure genre and also for portraits and fashion because using high shutter speeds allows for stopping the action and also using large aperture, thereby creating a very shallow depth of field.

Because there is a lot of confusion with Hi-Sync and HSS technology, I will be doing a fair amount of testing on my own to show exactly how Hi-Sync compares to the competition. Stay tuned for future reviews, blog posts and articles on this exciting new technology. For now, check out the two blog posts linked to above on the Elinchrom website for more information.

My thanks to Elinchrom for bringing me over and showing me all of the new products – and also for providing the gear to try out this new technology. I was massively impressed with everyone at Elinchrom. I also got a few hours to go deep into the thinking behind the products with the head R&D guys. I came away from my time in Switzerland incredibly excited about Elinchrom as a brand and the new products.

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Fall 30% Off Fine Art Prints Sale!


To get the ball rolling for the fall holiday season, I am happy to announce a 30% off sale on all of my fine art prints until December 31st, 2015. How this works is very simple, just take 30% off my standard fine art print pricing, which can be found here, and contact me to order the print. If you have any questions about print sizes or available images please don’t hesitate to contact me.

These archival prints are painstakingly created by yours truly on some of the finest papers available. We print on Epson printers and work with a variety of papers including both fine art matte papers and Baryta Photographic papers. The printer and paper combination is chosen specifically for each image so that each image will be rendered with the highest possible resolution and the widest color gamut. Our main papers are Ilford Gold Fibre Silk, Ilford Gold Cotton Textured and Ilford Fine Art Smooth papers.

Note: This is a limited time offer and I will only be offering up to five (5) Limited Edition Prints at 30% off for each Limited Edition image. You can see which of my images are Limited Edition or Open Edition on my website. Also, please note that 30% off prices do not include shipping. 

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APhotoFolio Interview

Rob Haggart has had a significant influence on my career. While he was the photo editor at Outside Magazine, he once told me, “You adventure sports guys couldn’t light your way out of a paper bag.” And he was right. A lot has changed since that lunch in 2002, but he nailed it and he didn’t mince words. After that lunch, I went out and bought a Hasselblad and some strobes and got to work.

From Rob on Facebook: “Awesome interview with Michael Clark. He’s never afraid to tell it like it is. Good stuff.”

In 2010, I signed on with APhotoFolio and have since won two PDN Photo Annual Awards for my website. Rob does a great job with the website templates he offers as with everything else he does. I was stoked to answer questions for this interview as he asked quite a few in-depth questions I don’t get that often. My thanks to Rob Haggart and Sven Brunso for their hard work on this – and the stellar websites.

Check out the full interview on the APhotoFolio blog.

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Ice Climbing image on the Apple Retina 5K iMac

apple_iceclimber_iMac_5k_finalLast fall, when Apple announced the new Retina 5K iMacs they used one of my surfing images to promote the new machine. Just recently I started seeing the ice climbing image shown above being featured on the 5K iMacs. As always, it is an honor to work with Apple. They are one of the most prestigious companies anywhere on Earth and they drive trends in a way few companies can.

In the image above, pro climber Dawn Glanc is ice climbing in the Ouray Ice Park in Ouray, Colorado. This image was created using powerful strobes to light up the ice climb and create something a bit different than your average ice climbing image. Earlier this year, I went back and worked with Dawn again to create a more dramatic set of images in the Ouray ICe Park using Hypersync lighting techniques. You can read about that shoot on the blog, on the Elinchrom website, or in my Spring 2015 Newsletter.

My thanks to the team at Apple for using my images for the latest marketing campaigns and to Dawn Glanc for helping to create such a stunning image.

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A Professional Photographer’s Workflow: Using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop



I am happy to announce that I have updated my highly regarded e-book, Adobe Photoshop Lightroom: A Professional Photographer’s Workflow, which is now renamed A Professional Photographer’s Workflow: Using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop, for Lightroom CC (2015) and Photoshop CC. This book is a 497-page digital workflow workshop and so much more in book form.


I have been working on revamping this book from front to back over the last four months or more. It has been completely revamped and now includes an entirely new chapter on Fine Art Printing and links to videos where you can watch me work up three images in both Lightroom and Photoshop. This book has been massively revamped and updated and includes the following new features:

Links to 3 Videos showing how I worked up three images from start to finish
A completely new Chapter: Making Fine Art Prints
Massively updated: Storage Options and Backup Strategies
Revised and Updated: Color Management Devices and Monitors
Revised and Updated: Printers for Color Management and Printing
Camera Maintenance and Sensor Cleaning
Lightroom: Dehaze Slider
Lightroom: Creating Panoramas in Lightroom
Lightroom: Creating HDR images in Lightroom
Advanced Photoshop Feature: Soft Proofing
Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC Compatibility
And much, much more…

Download this e-book and take your photography to the next level. Also, please note that this PDF is searchable and the Table of Contents are linked to the pages for quick and easy access to any part of the e-book.

The e-book is a downloadable PDF file that can be purchased for the low price of $24.95. It is an entire week-long workshop in book form. It looks stellar on an iPad or any similar tablet devices that can read PDF documents in color.

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Photo Plus Seminar in NYC and New Workshops and Seminars


This week I updated my Workshops page on both my blog and my website. There are quite a few new workshop and seminar offerings for this fall and over the course of the next year, as can be seen below:

Adventure Sports Photography – Telluride Photo Festival – Telluride, CO – September 29 – October 1, 2015

Mentor Series Photo Trek – Montana and Yellowstone National Park – October 7-11, 2015

Adventure Travel Photography – National Geographic Traveler Seminar – Houston, TX – October 18, 2015

Adventure Photography Seminar – Photo Plus Expo – Javits Center, New York City – October 22, 2015

Outdoor Adventure Photography – National Geographic Traveler Seminar – San Francisco – October 25, 2015

Adventure Travel Photography – National Geographic Traveler Seminar – Seattle, WA – November 15, 2015

Across the Patagonian Ice Field – Vertical Shot Expeditions – Patagonia Ice Cap, Argentina – January 25 – February 4, 2016

Mentor Series Photo Workshop – Maui Video – February 10-14, 2016

Surfing Photography – North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii – February 18-21, 2016

Photography Sailing Expedition in Arctic Norway – Lofoten Islands, Norway – August 20 – 27, 2016

One of the latest additions to my calendar is giving a 2-hour Adventure Photography seminar at the Photo Plus Expo in New York City. The Photo Plus Expo is the largest photography related show anywhere in the world and a meeting place for many photographers. If you are in the NYC area during the expo (see the banner above) check out the wide array of seminars on offer for excellent prices. I hope to see you there. You can find more info and register for my seminar by clicking on the banner above or on this link.


Also, I will be giving one of the Keynote presentations at the Telluride Photo Festival in Telluride, Colorado in October. That keynote address is scheduled for 8 PM at the Sheridan Opera House in Telluride on Friday, October 2nd. Check out the Telluride Photo Festival website for more info and a schedule of events. I will also be giving a three-day adventure photography workshop while I am out at the Photo Festival and there are still a few spaces left.

In addition, I just posted three new National Geographic Traveler Seminars for this fall in Houston, San Francisco and Seattle. The Nat Geo Seminars are in-depth intensives that cover a wide range of topics on Adventure Travel Photography and Adventure Photography and they are very affordable compared to a full-on workshop.


Last, even though it is a year away, I just added another super cool workshop with the folks at Vertical Shot Expeditions where we will be Sailing through the Lofoten Islands in Norway in August 2016. This is definitely going to be one of the most amazing workshops I am a part of next year, along with the Patagonia Ice Cap Expedition.

if you have any questions about any of these workshops, seminars or speaking engagements please feel free to email me.

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Popular Photography August 2015 Cover

A few months ago, while in New York City meeting with various clients and sponsors, I met with the fine folks over at Popular Photography magazine. I showed them my portfolio and this wave image in my portfolio wowed them. Amazingly, just a few months later, this image (as seen below) is on the cover of the August 2015 issue of Popular Photography. They also used the image inside the magazine as a double page spread in an article on shooting at the beach.

This image was shot the day before the last Quiksilver in memory of Eddie Eikau big wave surf contest in December 2009, where the waves at Waimea Bay on the north shore of Oahu were close to 60-feet tall. This wave was only ten or twelve feet tall since it was one of the waves that reform about 60 feet in front of the beach. The rising sun had just hit the wave when this image was shot. Hence, all of the wild green and blue colors in the image. This image has been published a fair bit and even won an award in the 2011 PDN Great Outdoor Photo Competition. My thanks to Popular Photography for choosing my image and using it on the cover!

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